I’ve been busy

Work’s been nuts lately. I mean, I haven’t even had time to play video games. What’s that all about? I’ve also been going crazy trying to get stuff done in the yard while it’s nice out.

I’ve planted quite a lot over the last 3-4 weeks. In fact, you can actually see exactly what I’ve planted most recently. Check out the “Recently Planted” section in the sidebar. You can also click on the plants there and view further information about them (including where in my yard they are planted!!). I’m pretty excited about this new blog feature. You’ll have to let me know what you think 🙂

Activity shall resume

I’ve been less than active on this blog for the past several years. I intend to change that beginning today. I always intended to make this a place where I can journal my attempts at gardening, as well as a place for me to have a random musing or two. Just this past weekend I planted four new fruit trees in my yard and I’d really like to document that. It’s also prime gardening season here in the valley of the sun, so my goal for the next month is to document any yard work I do that’s not pulling weeds (because that’s just not even a little bit interesting).

So if anyone happens to run into this blog stick around, I swear I will post something to either entertain you or bore you, but at least I’ll post something.

Oh btw: I realize there are some images missing from posts. Not totally certain when that happened but I’ll get ‘er fixed as soon as I can.